Camper profiles - Marty Anderson & Bruce grierson

Marty Anderson, a member of First Unitarian of Portland, heard about Eliot Institute from friends for many years.  In December of 2017 there were some changes in her life circumstances that opened up her calendar and multiple friends encouraged her to attend Winter Eliot. 

Marty Anderson

Marty Anderson

The people, programs, music, and discussions have kept her coming back and she has attended 3 winter sessions and July 2019.  Her most memorable experiences have been during the small group discussions where people get to really know each other.  There was one particular small group that blew her away. 

Marty is excited about being registered for Creative Arts 2020.

The Grierson / Williams family, who are members of North Shore Unitarian Church, started attending August Eliot in 2017, though last year was the first year all boots were on the ground at the same time.

The Grierson / Wiliams family

The Grierson / Wiliams family

They are Bruce Grierson, Jennifer Williams, and their two daughters, Madeline Williams (15) and Lila Grierson (12).  Lila’s birthday actually overlaps with August Eliot, so she’ll be turning 13 with nowhere to hide. What this camp offers is right in their wheelhouse: good food, good food for thought, good company, and peaceful surroundings in which to appreciate not scrubbing a single pot for a week. The swim-run-row relay was a highlight from last year (pipped at the post!), as was choir, and the inaugural TED-style talks. The small group discussions were a highlight for Bruce, though they became pretty intense toward the end, which was probably the point.

The family is looking forward to August 2020 and truly hopes that the COVID19 is over by then.