Thank you, Eliot Donors!

Over the past four years you have given over $106,000 to Eliot, sustaining us through the budget shortfalls of the pandemic. Wow!  Last year, 58 households/individuals gave slightly more than $24,000, mostly to help your Board implement the 5- and 10-year strategic plans as it navigates us out of the pandemic. This year our committee returns to its usual mission: fund program improvements, boost scholarships, and solidify our long-term financial health through donations to three Eliot funds: the Operations Fund, Scholarship Fund, and Opportunity Fund, respectively. So far this year 14 households have given about $4000. Will you pitch in too? Any amount helps! 

All Those Young Faces at Camp: Why Donations Mean So Much to Eliot

As you look around camp, you see so many young people, right? Children, youth, and young adults. Families with toddlers and teens. Grandparents with grandkids. Do you see the same number of young faces in your church or fellowship? Probably not. Through our gifts to the Scholarship Fund we’ll continue to ensure that campers of all ages can afford to come to camp and that our multi-generational community thrives.

Rainy day funds rock (especially in the Pacific Northwest), but sunny day funds shine

Yes, the financial rain fell hard during the pandemic, and we survived. As the sun peeks out in 2024 and beyond, what could Eliot be and do if it had an even stronger financial footing? Who among us cannot dream of a brighter day for Eliot? 

What do you love about Eliot? What do you want to see more of? Our committee wants to know! We foresee a robust Opportunity Fund that one day provides annual revenue for your dreams while keeping camper fees down.

One generation plants the trees, the next enjoys the shade.  

Samaya Oakley and Nancy Panitch laughing on the Inn porch

Samaya Oakley and Nancy Panitch sharing a laugh.

Donate here via PayPal on Eliot’s website or mail a check payable to "Eliot Institute" to: Eliot Institute, 2411 View Ridge Dr, Bellingham WA 98229

–your Eliot Fundraising Committee: Gordon Campbell, Kay Crider, Rick Duncan, Ken Kersten, Randi Niemer, Doug Sabourin, Eliana Schwartz, Mary Sturrock

From Elioteer Liz Goodger: We are drawn to Eliot as a Unitarian family in a small community.  Meeting UUs from all over, American and Canadian, and coming together in intentional community feeds us all.  Most importantly we have come back year after year for our children, particularly during their youth.  The intergenerational family, the beautiful setting, the week that meets all our needs in different ways: activities, quiet time, deep discussion, worship.