Registrar’s Report

Calyn McLeod

Calyn McLeod

Hello from your new Registrar, Calyn! 

Our recently retired Registrar, Bev Hesterberg, left me with big shoes to fill, and I still have a lot to learn, but so far it is going wonderfully. I really love this job; it feels good to be working for Eliot, which has such an honored place in my heart.

My first camp as Registrar was Winter Eliot 2023, and Bev was there, so I was able to ask her questions when I needed to. This year, I’ll be on my own – Bev is taking a well deserved break! 

Secretary Nancy West will be the in-camp registrar for Creative Arts Eliot 2024. I’ll still be doing all the preparatory tasks for CAE, but Nancy will do my job during the camp itself. Since this will be the first time we’re trying this Secretary-as-in-camp-registrar thing, I’ll be attending CAE as a camper, and will be around to help Nancy if any unforeseen challenges arise with this new role.

I’m looking forward to another wonderful Eliot summer! If you haven’t registered for camp yet, you should totally do that. Come re-connect with your community, make new friends, learn something new, take a nap on the grass, make some art… it will be lovely! Our summer deans have been busy recruiting staff and planning amazing camp experiences for Elioteers. Space is available at all the camps, and you can register online at – just click the big blue button, follow the instructions, and you’re on your way!

See you at camp,

Calyn McLeod
