Treasurer’s Report

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Hi folks,

Treasurer Ian here giving you an update on Eliot's finances. As a change of pace we probably will not make money this year, which is fine, we are a non-profit. The primary factors in this are staff changes, unexpected costs, and lower levels of attendance for August Eliot 2019 and higher than budgeted costs for Creative Arts Eliot, as we ramp up for future increased attendance. Everything will be fine though, we have a healthy cushion of backup funds and while we may need to increase revenue to balance out new staff costs in the future we will strive to keep Eliot as affordable as possible.

With the Pines campaign winding down I hope you will turn your charitable giving back to the Scholarship Fund and Strategic Initiative Fund. We want to keep them healthy so we can continue to bring the best Eliot to as many people as possible.

As always, if you have more questions about the financials please feel free to reach out to me.

-Ian Schurr, Treasurer of the Eliot Board