Eliot’s Eagle eye                                                               

Sees a little, knows a little, tells a little .... 

... It's time to check in with Eliot's fledglings, aka our newest young adults. It's always interesting to know what path they're taking after high school. Ben Weber has started the semester at Arizona State University; Rachel David is at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin; and Hailey Struble is at Western Oregon University in Monmouth. The Eagle knows that Sophia and Ellie Strauss graduated from high school, but isn’t sure what they’re doing this fall.

… Proud grandfather, Michael Watson, reports that Sera Watson (camper at Eliot at Naramata and August Eliot), having recently graduated from high school in North Vancouver BC, is starting her first year at Queen's University in Kingston Ontario, where she will be studying engineering.

…And in other young adult news: Izzi Durham graduated from Pomona College, and May Killorin graduated from Western Washington University.

Nathan Hesterberg & Karla Cook

Nathan Hesterberg & Karla Cook

 …Alison Sturrock is teaching high school math at an international school in the Dominican Republic. Stuck there through the summer, first because the airport in Santo Domingo was closed due to COVID-19, then through July because she was uncertain of being able to return to begin the school year.

Margo Rinehart has recently accepted the position as the minister at the McMinnville Oregon UU fellowship.

…Lots of engagements happening! Some are Eliot pairs and others apparently find love outside the Eliot community. Imagine!

No dates attached to these engagement announcements, because that’s just tempting COVID to interfere: David Olson & Melanie Grew; Noe Struble & Shawn Romero; Nathan Hesterberg & Karla Cook.

…New eaglets and future Elioteers abound!

Janet Lawrence and Sameer Reddy had a baby girl on August 1, 2020. Her name is Zaia Konda Lawrence Reddy (Zaia rhymes with eye-uh). Barbara MacLeod and Bruce Lawrence are her proud grandparents. The photo on the right is from her Hindu crib ceremony that occurs when a baby is 2 months old. We can’t wait for her to get to know all her Eliot family in the future!

Zaia Konda Lawrence Reddy

Zaia Konda Lawrence Reddy

Janet Lawrence, Sameer Reddy and baby Zaia

Janet Lawrence, Sameer Reddy and baby Zaia

Irene Moore with cousins Sylvie & Eliana

Irene Moore with cousins Sylvie & Eliana

Irene Moore was born on May 17, 2020 to Justin and Laura Moore; her grandparents are Debbie Gorenstein and Rick Pope. Those other two cuties in the photo are her cousins, Sylvie and Eliana.

Baby Grey

Baby Grey

Lisa Maas shared this news of her newest grandchild born spring 2020, daughter of Jonathan Kadish and Connie Migliazzo: “Her name is Grey (her mother's favorite color...).  Not a great time to have a baby--no one except Jonathan and Connie can hold her or be close to her for who knows how long.  But she's here and healthy.  So surprising to have a girl in the family!  I rarely see her, and then at a distance.  Grateful and hopeful that I'll be able to connect in a few months. Now able to be with Nath's kids, teaching them 3 mornings/week.  Whew!  I could never have been a teacher!!!”

Laurie Smith reports: My exciting news is my first grandchild, Otto, who was born June 5. He is very adorable, and somehow I will get to Maryland and meet him when it feels safer to travel. Kerry Messerschmidt (her former last name is Thompson) is in the US Navy, working as a Russian linguist, and is stationed in Maryland through May 2022. It feels too far these days!  I love going out to visit her and my delightful son-in-law Sam, and was there in mid-February just before the restrictions heated up in March. 

Jasper Reynolds

Jasper Reynolds

Suzanne and Dennis Reynolds welcomed grandson, Jasper, to their family on March 18, 2020. Jasper is the son of Lindsay Reynolds and Franc Moult. Lindsay, Franc, and Jasper have been living with Dennis and Suzanne during COVID-19, but will soon be returning to Cape Town.

Cindy Horton reports though they couldn't attend July Eliot for the past couple of years, she’s happy to announce her engagement to James Beardmore in Kauai.

Cindy Horton & James Beardmore

Cindy Horton & James Beardmore

The Eagle Weeps

Virginia Stout

Virginia Stout

…Longtime UUC member and leader Virginia Stout died peacefully at home from cancer on June 4. Active for nearly fifty years at UUC she was revered for her support for children and youth, women, and marginalized persons. After a long career as a research chemist, she earned a master's degree in counseling to work with scientists. She met her second husband, Bill Sieverling, at a UU Singles weekend. Virginia most recently attended July Eliots in the late 90s. Our condolences to her family and to her cherished friend, Erich Gauglitz.

…Our hearts go out to Natasha Guerra, whose mother Janna Allen recently died of cancer. Natasha and Janna attended many Winter Eliot camps together.

Yvonne Kersten

Yvonne Kersten

…Longtime Elioteer, Yvonne Kersten, died on May 26, 2020. She had been on comfort care since breaking her hip a few days earlier, and her family was able to be with her during her last days. Earlier in May she had celebrated her 67th wedding anniversary with her beloved husband, Paul. Yvonne and Paul brought their 3 young children (Kimberly Lovelace, Kenley Kersten, and Katharine Barton) to Eliot at Seabeck for the first time back in 1962, and those children continued the Eliot tradition, bringing the grandkids to camp. Recently, Paul and Yvonne attended July Eliots from 2011 - 2015, so many of you will remember Yvonne's cheerful and friendly presence. She will be missed by all of us, and we send heartfelt condolences to her husband, children, and grandchildren. (photo in file)

 …The Eagle always writes this column with a tiny cloud of anxiety resting over her head.  Whose news has she missed?  She knows she’s forgotten a juicy bit of gossip that she tucked away in her brain, but forgot to write down.  She hates leaving anyone out and apologizes in advance for any omissions.

Enlighten the Eagle: send your bit of high-flyin’ news to EliotRegistrar@gmail.com for publication in our next newsletter.